Can Hamsters Breed with Gerbils?

Can Hamsters Breed with Gerbils?


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Hey there, it’s Matt. Ya boy. So, let me tell ya a little story about the time I thought it would be a good idea to put my pet hamster and gerbil together in the same cage.

I was convinced they were gonna hit it off and become the best of buddies. But, boy was I wrong.

I came home from work one day to find my gerbil, Jerry, missing an ear. My hamster, Harry, was sitting there looking guilty as sin. I was so shocked and confused. I had no idea what had happened.

It wasn’t until I did some research that I found out that hamsters and gerbils are not the same species and should never be housed together. They can’t even breed together, let alone get along.

But, that’s not the only thing I learned.

As it turns out, there’s a whole lot more to know about the differences between these two cute little critters. So, stick around, cuz I’m gonna break it down for ya.

In short, no, hamsters and gerbils cannot breed together.

What’s The Deal With Hamsters?

Hamsters are cute little balls of fluff that are native to deserts and semi-arid regions of Asia and Europe. They’re nocturnal creatures that like to burrow and hoard food.

They’re also known for being kinda feisty and territorial.

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There are several different types of hamsters, including the Syrian hamster, also known as the golden or teddy bear hamster, the dwarf hamster, and the Chinese hamster.

Fun fact: did you know that a group of hamsters is called a horde? Yeah, that’s right. A horde of hamsters.

How cool is that?

What’s The Deal With Gerbils?

Gerbils are also cute little critters that are native to deserts and semi-arid regions of Asia and Africa. They’re also nocturnal and like to burrow, but they’re not as territorial as hamsters.

Gerbils are known for being social creatures and can be kept in pairs or small groups. They’re also known for their long tails and cute little noses.

Fun fact: did you know that a group of gerbils is called a colony? Yeah, that’s right. A colony of gerbils. How cool is that?

The Differences Between Hamsters and Gerbils

  • Hamsters are typically larger than gerbils.
  • Hamsters are more territorial than gerbils.
  • Hamsters are more aggressive than gerbils.
  • Gerbils are social creatures and can be kept in pairs or small groups, whereas hamsters should be kept alone.


Can Hamsters and Gerbils Live Together?

No, it’s not a good idea to house hamsters and gerbils together. They are different species and have different needs and behaviors.

Hamsters are more territorial and aggressive, while gerbils are social creatures. Housing them together can lead to fights and injuries.

Can Hamsters and Gerbils Breed Together?

No, hamsters and gerbils cannot breed together because they are different species. They have different genetic makeup and cannot produce viable offspring.

ALSO READ  Can Hamsters Breed With Different Breeds?

Can Hamsters and Gerbils Eat the Same Food?

While both hamsters and gerbils can eat similar types of food such as seeds, fruits, and vegetables, they have different nutritional needs and should be fed a diet specifically formulated for their species.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, just like how I learned the hard way, hamsters and gerbils may look similar but they are different species and should not be housed together. They have different needs, behaviors, and can’t even breed together.

So, don’t be like me and make the mistake of putting your hamster and gerbil together in the same cage.

But, even though they can’t live together and can’t breed together, they are both still unique and fascinating creatures that make great pets.

So, if you’re looking to adopt a new furry friend, consider getting a hamster or gerbil, just make sure to give them the proper care and attention they need.
