Can you put 2 Syrian hamsters in the same cage?

Can you put 2 Syrian hamsters in the same cage?


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So, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “two’s company, three’s a crowd,” right? Well, I was about to find out just how true that saying really is when it comes to Syrian hamsters.

I had always heard that Syrian hamsters were pretty territorial animals, and that it was best to keep them in separate cages. But when I went to the pet store to buy my first hamster, the guy behind the counter told me that I could actually keep two of them in the same cage if I wanted to.

I was a little skeptical at first, but the guy seemed pretty sure of himself, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I mean, who doesn’t love having a little buddy to keep them company, right?

So, I went ahead and bought two Syrian hamsters, and I put them in the same cage. And you know what? It was a total disaster.

As it turns out, you can definitely put two Syrian hamsters in the same cage, but it’s not necessarily a good idea. These guys are pretty territorial, and they don’t always get along with each other.

In my case, my two hamsters ended up getting into a huge fight within the first few hours of being together.

It was pretty crazy – they were biting and scratching and making all kinds of noise. I was honestly a little worried about them hurting each other, so I ended up separating them and putting them in different cages.

So, while it is technically possible to put two Syrian hamsters in the same cage, it’s definitely not something I’d recommend unless you’re prepared for some potential drama.

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These guys can be pretty feisty when it comes to defending their territory, and you don’t want them getting hurt in the process.

Can 2 Syrian hamsters live together?

Alright, so now that we’ve established that Syrian hamsters can be a little territorial and that they don’t always get along in the same cage, you’re probably wondering if it’s possible for them to live together at all. And the answer is: it depends.

Some Syrian hamsters are able to coexist peacefully, while others are just too feisty and end up fighting all the time. It really just depends on the individual personalities of the hamsters in question.

In my case, I ended up having to keep my two hamsters in separate cages because they just couldn’t seem to get along. But I’ve heard of other people who have had Syrian hamsters that were able to live together just fine.

So, if you’re thinking about getting two Syrian hamsters and you’re hoping to keep them in the same cage, it’s definitely worth a shot. Just be prepared for the possibility that they might not get along, and be ready to separate them if necessary.

Can Syrian hamsters live in the same room?

Alright, so now that we’ve established that Syrian hamsters can sometimes coexist peacefully and sometimes not, you’re probably wondering if it’s possible for them to at least live in the same room without causing too much drama. And the answer is: yes, it is possible.

While Syrian hamsters can be a little territorial, they’re also pretty good at ignoring each other as long as they have their own separate space to call their own.

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So, if you have two Syrian hamsters and you want to keep them in the same room, it’s definitely doable.

Are Syrian hamsters better in pairs?

So, now that we’ve covered all the ins and outs of keeping Syrian hamsters together, you might be wondering if it’s actually a good idea to keep them in pairs at all. And the answer is: it depends.

On one hand, Syrian hamsters are social creatures and they do enjoy having a companion to play with and cuddle up to. So, if you get two Syrian hamsters that get along well, they can definitely be better in pairs.

On the other hand, if you get two Syrian hamsters that don’t get along, they can be downright miserable. Not only will they fight and bicker with each other, but they’ll also be more prone to getting stressed out and unhappy.

So, if you’re thinking about getting two Syrian hamsters and you’re hoping to keep them in the same cage, it’s definitely worth a shot.

Just be prepared for the possibility that they might not get along, and be ready to separate them if necessary.

Can 2 hamsters live in the same cage?

Alright, so now that we’ve covered Syrian hamsters specifically, you might be wondering if it’s possible for any two hamsters to live together in the same cage. And the answer is: it depends.

Just like with Syrian hamsters, some hamsters are able to coexist peacefully, while others are just too feisty and end up fighting all the time. It really just depends on the individual personalities of the hamsters in question.

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So, if you’re thinking about getting two hamsters and you’re hoping to keep them in the same cage, it’s definitely worth a shot. Just be prepared for the possibility that they might not get along, and be ready to separate them if necessary.

In the end, it’s all about finding the right balance when it comes to keeping your hamsters together. Just make sure you’re giving them the space and resources they need, and they’ll be happy as can be.
