Do hamsters hate being held?

Do hamsters hate being held?


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Hey there! It’s your boy, Matt, coming at ya from the sunshine state of Florida. Today, I wanted to share a personal experience I had with my furry little friend, Jerry the hamster.

If you’re a hamster owner, or just love these little critters in general, then you might find my story amusing.

So, here’s the deal. Jerry and I have been living together for a while now, and while I love him to pieces, there’s one thing that’s been bugging me.

You see, Jerry doesn’t seem to be too fond of being held. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not aggressive or anything, but he definitely doesn’t cuddle up to me like some other hamsters might. It’s more like he tolerates it, y’know?

How do I get my hamster to like being held?

This got me thinking – do all hamsters hate being held, or is it just Jerry? And if it’s just Jerry, what can I do to get him to enjoy being held a bit more? I mean, who doesn’t love snuggling up with a cute little hamster, right? So, I set out on a mission to try and figure out how to get Jerry to like being held.

I tried all sorts of things, like giving him treats and talking to him in a soothing voice, but nothing seemed to be working. I was starting to get a little frustrated, to be honest. But then, something unexpected happened. I had a breakthrough!

I was trying to get Jerry to come out of his little hidey-hole (which he loves, by the way) and I started singing to him.

I know, it sounds a little crazy, but bear with me. I started singing this little ditty that I made up on the spot, something about how much I love him and how cute he is and how I just wanna hold him and snuggle him and all that jazz.

ALSO READ  How Old Should Hamsters Be When You Buy One?

And you know what? It worked! Jerry came right out of his hidey-hole and started crawling all over me! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I know I’m no Bruno Mars or anything, but apparently Jerry really digs my singing voice. Who knew, right?

So, I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to get your hamster to like being held, try singing to them. It might sound a little out there, but it just might work. Just don’t be surprised if your hamster starts singing back to you.

That’s what happened with Jerry and me. He’s got a pretty decent voice, actually. Who knows, maybe we’ll start a hamster boy band or something.

In any case, I just wanted to share this little personal experience with you all.

If you have a hamster and you’re struggling to get them to like being held, give singing a try. You never know, it might just work for you too. Thanks for reading, and take it easy!
