Do Hamsters Have Fur or Hair?

Do Hamsters Have Fur or Hair?


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Hey there! It’s Matt here. So, I was cuddling with my hamster the other day and I started wondering – is his fluffy coat fur or hair? I mean, I know he’s not a human, but I was curious.

I started doing some research and I found out some pretty interesting stuff about hamster coats.

What Is Fur?

Fur is a type of thick, soft hair that grows on the skin of many animals. It is made up of a layer of short, soft hairs called down hairs, and a layer of longer, coarser hairs called guard hairs. The main function of fur is to provide insulation and protect the animal from the elements.

What Is Hair?

Hair is a type of protein filament that grows from the follicles on the skin of mammals. It is made up of a protein called keratin and is a characteristic feature of mammals. The main function of hair is to provide protection and insulation, and to help animals communicate and attract mates.

Do Hamsters Have Fur or Hair?

Hamsters have both fur and hair. Their coat is made up of a layer of short, soft down hairs and a layer of longer, coarser guard hairs. The main function of a hamster’s coat is to provide insulation and protect them from the elements.


Do All Hamsters Have the Same Type of Coat?

Not all hamsters have the same type of coat. Different species of hamsters may have different types of coats, and within a species, there may be variations in coat type and color.

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For example, Syrian hamsters have a thick, fluffy coat that can be a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, and grey. Dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, tend to have a shorter, finer coat that is typically a lighter color.

Do Hamsters Shed?

Like many animals with fur or hair, hamsters do shed. Hamsters typically shed more heavily in the spring and fall, when the change in seasons prompts their bodies to adjust their coat thickness.

To help your hamster manage shedding, you can provide a sand bath for them to roll around in or offer a small piece of unscented, uncolored cardboard for them to chew on. This can help to remove loose hairs from their coat.

Can I Brush My Hamster’s Coat?

It’s generally not necessary to brush your hamster’s coat, as they are able to groom themselves.

However, if you notice that your hamster’s coat is looking particularly matted or dirty, you can gently brush it using a soft-bristled brush or a toothbrush.

Just be sure to be gentle and avoid pulling on their skin, as this can be painful for them.

Conclusion: Fluffy Little Balls of Fur and Hair

So there you have it – hamsters have both fur and hair! Their coat is made up of a combination of short, soft down hairs and longer, coarser guard hairs, and serves to protect and insulate them from the elements.

While hamsters do shed, it’s generally not necessary to brush their coat, as they are able to groom themselves.

Just be sure to provide them with plenty of opportunities to take care of their own coat, and they’ll be fluffy little balls of fur and hair in no time!
