Why Do Hamsters Rub Their Faces?

Why Do Hamsters Rub Their Faces?


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Hey there, it’s Matt! So, let me tell you a little story about the time I had a pet hamster named Fluffy.

Fluffy was the cutest little ball of fur you ever did see, but there was one thing that always puzzled me: every time I would go to check on her, she would be rubbing her face against something.

I mean, I knew hamsters were clean animals, but this was excessive. It was like she was trying to sandblast her face or something.

I started to do some research and found out that my little Fluffy wasn’t alone in her face-rubbing tendencies.

It turns out that hamsters have a few reasons for why they rub their faces, and I’m here to share the info with you.

Marking Territory

Hamsters have scent glands on their faces, and they use them to mark their territory. It’s like a little hamster “I was here” tag.

They’ll rub their faces against objects in their cage to leave their scent behind, telling other hamsters to back off.

Keeping Clean

Hamsters are known for being clean animals, and rubbing their faces is a big part of that. They use the scent glands on their faces to groom themselves, keeping their fur clean and their skin moisturized.

Relieving Itchiness

Sometimes, hamsters will rub their faces if they’re feeling itchy. This could be due to dry skin or an allergic reaction, and rubbing their faces helps to relieve the itchiness.

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Showing Affection

Believe it or not, sometimes hamsters will rub their faces against their owners as a sign of affection. It’s like a little hamster hug.

So if your hamster starts rubbing its face against you, don’t be offended, it’s just saying “I love you, human”.


Q: Is it bad if my hamster rubs its face a lot?

A: Not necessarily.

It’s normal for hamsters to rub their faces, but if you notice excessive face rubbing or if your hamster seems to be in distress, it’s best to consult with a vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

Q: Can I stop my hamster from rubbing its face?

A: It’s not a good idea to try to stop your hamster from rubbing its face. It’s a natural behavior and attempting to stop it could cause stress for your hamster.

Just make sure your hamster has plenty of clean bedding and a comfortable environment.

Q: Can I use a wet wipe to clean my hamster’s face?

A: It’s best to avoid using wet wipes on your hamster’s face. Hamsters have sensitive skin and using a wet wipe could cause irritation.

Stick to using a damp cloth or sponge to clean your hamster’s cage and face.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, folks. Hamsters rub their faces for a variety of reasons, from marking their territory to showing affection.

It’s a natural and normal behavior, so don’t be surprised if you catch your furry friend scuffing its face against something.

Just make sure to keep an eye out for excessive face rubbing or signs of distress, and always consult with a vet if you have any concerns.

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And as for Fluffy? Well, she may have been a face-rubbing fiend, but she was still the best pet a guy could ask for. Gonna miss that little furball.

In conclusion, Hamsters rub their faces for many reasons, from marking their territory to showing affection.

It’s a normal and natural behavior, just keep an eye out for excessive face rubbing and signs of distress, and always consult with a vet if you have any concerns.
