{"id":1263,"date":"2023-01-18T20:59:04","date_gmt":"2023-01-18T20:59:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/hamsterstar.com\/?p=1263"},"modified":"2023-01-18T20:59:04","modified_gmt":"2023-01-18T20:59:04","slug":"are-salt-licks-ok-for-hamsters","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/hamsterstar.com\/are-salt-licks-ok-for-hamsters\/","title":{"rendered":"Are Salt Licks OK for Hamsters?"},"content":{"rendered":"

So, let me tell you a little story about myself and my hamster, Mr. Snuffles.<\/p>\n

When I first got Mr. Snuffles, I was super excited to give him all the best treats and toys, and I figured a salt lick would be a great addition to his cage.<\/p>\n

Boy, was I wrong.<\/p>\n

I picked up a salt lick from the pet store and placed it in Mr. Snuffles’ cage, thinking he would be thrilled. But instead, he gave me the most confused and unimpressed look, like “bro, what the heck is this?”<\/p>\n

Turns out, hamsters<\/a> don’t need or want salt licks, and they can actually be harmful to their health. That’s why Salt licks are not recommended for hamsters.<\/strong> \\<\/p>\n

But, why is that? Is there any exception? Read on to find out!<\/p>\n

Fun fact: Hamsters are actually quite low on the salt intake and they can actually get all the salt they need<\/a> from their regular diet.<\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n<\/div>