{"id":1272,"date":"2023-01-23T18:57:08","date_gmt":"2023-01-23T18:57:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/hamsterstar.com\/?p=1272"},"modified":"2023-01-23T18:57:08","modified_gmt":"2023-01-23T18:57:08","slug":"should-an-11-year-old-get-a-hamster","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/hamsterstar.com\/should-an-11-year-old-get-a-hamster\/","title":{"rendered":"Should an 11-Year-Old Get a Hamster?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Alright folks, let me tell you a little story about my own personal experience with hamsters. When I was just a young lad of 11 years old, my parents finally caved and got me the furry little critter I had been begging for.<\/p>\n

I named him “Trump” (of course) and I was convinced that he was the best pet in the world. But, boy oh boy, was I in for a surprise.<\/p>\n

Trump the hamster<\/a> quickly became more trouble than he was worth. I soon realized that these little buggers are nocturnal animals, which meant that while I was trying to sleep, he was running on that little wheel of his, making enough noise to wake the dead.<\/p>\n

But that’s not all folks, oh no. I also learned that hamsters have a tendency to, shall we say, “mark their territory.” Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. And let me tell you, cleaning out a hamster cage<\/a> is not a pleasant task.<\/p>\n

But, despite all of that, I couldn’t help but love the little guy. He was so darn cute and cuddly, and I’ll admit, it was pretty cool having my own pet.<\/p>\n

But before you go out and get yourself a hamster, there are a few things you should consider.<\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n<\/div>